Faculty Contact Information
Address: Bartın University, Kutlubey Yazıcılar Campus 74100, Bartın/TURKEY
Phone: 0 378 501 10 00 / 1569 / 1570 / 1525
E-mail: fen@bartin.edu.tr
Dean | Prof. Dr. Bülent KARAKAŞ | bk@bartin.edu.tr | 0378 501 100 00 / 2265 |
Vice Dean | Assoc. Prof. Dr. Murat RAKAP | mrakap@bartin.edu.tr | 0378 501 10 00 / 3426 |
Vice Dean | Asst. Prof. Dr. Adalet ÇENGEL | acengel@bartin.edu.tr | 0378 501 10 00 / 3436 |
Department of Computer Technology and Information Systems | Prof. Dr. Ramazan YILMAZ (Head of Department) | ryilmaz@bartin.edu.tr | 0378 501 10 00 / 2263 |
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Fatma Gizem KARAOĞLAN YILMAZ | sgokoglu@bartin.edu.tr | 0378 501 10 00 / 3450 | |
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Seyfullah GÖKOĞLU | hdurak@bartin.edu.tr | 0378 501 10 00 / 3435 | |
Asst. Prof. Dr. Ahmet Berk ÜSTÜN | abustun@bartin.edu.tr | 0378 501 10 00 / 3422 | |
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Murat RAKAP | mrakap@bartin.edu.tr | 0378 501 10 00 / 3426 | |
Res. Asst. Rumeysa ERDOĞAN | rerdogan@bartin.edu.tr | 0378 501 10 00 / 3428 | |
Res. Asst. Hanife ŞEN | hmurat@bartin.edu.tr | 0378 501 10 00 / 3428 | |
Department of Biotechnology | Prof. Dr. Ayşegül GÜMÜŞ (Head of Department) | agumus@bartin.edu.tr | 0378 501 10 00 / 3425 |
Asst. Prof. Dr. Recep TAŞ (Head of Department) | rtas@bartin.edu.tr | 0378 501 10 00 / 1516 | |
Asst. Prof. Dr. Hasan Ufuk ÇELEBİOĞLU | hcelebioglu@bartin.edu.tr | 0378 501 10 00 / 1543 | |
Asst. Prof. Dr. Hamdi KAMÇI | hkamci@bartin.edu.tr | 0378 501 10 00 / | |
Asst. Prof. Dr. Hilal YILMAZ | hicelebioglu@bartin.edu.tr | 0378 501 10 00 / 1531 | |
Asst. Prof. Dr. Parham TASLIMI | ptaslimi@bartin.edu.tr | 0378 501 10 00 / 1513 | |
Inst. Dr. Hamza DÜNYA | hdunya@bartin.edu.tr | 0378 501 10 00/1505 | |
Res. Asst. Ahmet KARAKUŞ | akarakus@bartin.edu.tr | 0378 501 10 00/1532 | |
Res. Asst. Rizvan İMAMOĞLU | rimamoglu@bartin.edu.tr | 0378 501 10 00/1532 | |
Department of Mathematics | Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ömer KİŞİ (Head of Department) | okisi@bartin.edu.tr | 0378 501 10 00 / 1540 |
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Erhan GÜLER | eguler@bartin.edu.tr | 0378 501 10 00 / 1791 | |
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Emrah ALTUN | emrahaltun@bartin.edu.tr | 0378 501 10 00 / 1528 | |
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Samet ERDEN | serden@bartin.edu.tr | 0378 501 10 00 / 1505 | |
Asst. Prof. Dr. Mükerrem Bahar BAŞKIR | mbaskir@bartin.edu.tr | 0378 501 10 00/1553 | |
Asst. Prof. Dr. Funda TÜRK | fturk@bartin.edu.tr | 0378 501 10 00/1503 | |
Ress. Assist. Dr. Fatma GÜLER EROĞLU | fguler@bartin.edu.tr | 0378 501 10 00 / 1554 | |
Deparmant of Molecular Biology and Genetics | Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dursun KISA (Head of Department) | dkisa@bartin.edu.tr | 0378 501 10 00 / 1518 |
Asst. Prof. Dr. Fahriye ZEMHERİ | fzemheri@bartin.edu.tr | 0378 501 10 00 / 1539 | |
Asst. Prof. Dr. Fatma HAMURCU | fhamurcu@bartin.edu.tr | 0378 501 10 00 / 1526 | |
Asst. Prof. Dr. Sevgi ÜNAL KARAKUŞ | 0378 501 10 00 / 1524 | ||
Asst. Prof. Dr. Yavuz ERDEN | yerden@bartin.edu.tr | 0378 501 10 00 / 1511 | |
Asst. Prof. Dr. Rashad MAMMADOV | rmammadov@bartin.edu.tr | 0378 501 10 00 / | |
Res. Asst. Ayşe Hale GÜÇKIR ALKAN | ahguckir@bartin.edu.tr | 0378 501 10 00 / 1554 | |
Res. Asst. Kevser Betül CEYLAN | kevserbb@bartin.edu.tr | 0378 501 10 00 / 1554 | |
Res. Asst. Kübra Sena BAŞ | ksenabas@bartin.edu.tr | 0378 501 10 00 / 1554 | |
Res. Asst. Yusuf CEYLAN | yceylan@bartin.edu.tr | 0378 501 10 00 / 1532 | |
Faculty Secretary | Leyla AYDIN | leylaaydin@bartin.edu.tr | 0378 501 10 00 / 2270 |
Financial Affairs | Şükrü DONUKLAR | sdonuklar@bartin.edu.tr | 0378 501 10 00 / 2268 |
Student Affairs | Hasan Mutlu KAHRAMAN | hkahraman@bartin.edu.tr | 0378 501 10 00 / 2268 |
Mediha Çiğdem DENKDEMİR | cdenkdemir@bartin.edu.tr | 0378 501 10 00 / 2269 | |
Dean Secretary-Personel Affairs | Tuğba KARAKURT | tkarakurt@bartin.edu.tr | 0378 501 10 00 / 2271 |